ግሎባል ጥበብ ስጦታዎች Co., Ltd.
ግሎባል ጥበብ ስጦታዎች Co., Ltd.
የንድፍ ቡድን ካላቸው ጥቂት አምራቾች አንዱ


ተደጋግሞ የሚነሱ ጥያቄዎች

እንዴት ነው እኔ ትእዛዝ መጀመር አለበት?

ትዕዛዞች ከዚያም እኛ በመመሪያው መሠረት የስነ ጥበብ / ማስረጃ ለመፍጠር, በመጀመሪያ በእኛ የተላኩ መጠን እና ብዛት ጋር የእርስዎን ሃሳብ ወይም ምስሎች ጋር የተጀመረው ናቸው, እና ማስረጃ የእርስዎን ተቀባይነት በኋላ, እኛ የዋጋ እንነጋገራለን. እነዚህን ሁሉ እንዳደረገ ጊዜ ምርት የእርስዎ ተቀማጭ ያለውን ደረሰኝ ጋር ይጀምራል.

ዝቅተኛ ትዕዛዝ ብዛት ምንድን ነው?

ዝቅተኛው ቅደም 100 ቁርጥራጮች ነው. እኛም ዝቅተኛ መጠን ለመቀበል ነገር ግን ቁራጭ ዋጋ የመጀመሪያው ወጪ ዋጋ ከግምት, በጣም ከፍ ያለ ይሆናል መሆኑን ልብ ይበሉ.

ምን የፋይል ቅርጸቶች artworks ይገኛሉ?

እኛ AI / CDR / የፒዲኤፍ / EPS / PNG / PSD ቅርጸቶች ይመርጣሉ, / PG / ጂአይኤፍ / PPT / DOC ቅርጸቶች ደግሞ ተቀባይነት ናቸው.

ነጻ የስነ አገልግሎት ማቅረብ ነው?

ነጻ የስነ አገልግሎት በእርስዎ ትዕዛዝ ጋር ይገኛል. ይሁን እንጂ እኛ, ከ 3 ጠይቋል ለውጥ ክለሳን ክፍያ ማድረግ ግንዛቤ ለማግኘት በጣም አመሰግናለሁ.

ምን ያህል ጊዜ የእኔን ብጁ የስነ መቀበል ጊዜ ይወስዳል?

ብዙውን 3 ቀናት ይወስዳል, ነገር ግን በመጨረሻ ወደ የስነ ውስብስብነት እና የስነ መምሪያ ያለውን ጫና ላይ የሚወሰን. ምንም ተጨማሪ ከ 5 ቀናት ቃል ነው.

የናሙና ጊዜና ምርት ጊዜ ምንድን ናቸው?

ናሙና ጊዜ: 7-10 ቀናት

የምርት ጊዜ: 20 ቀናት (ትዕዛዙ ብዛት መሠረት ግንቦት ለውጦች)

እኔ ለግምገማ ናሙና ማግኘት እችላለሁ?

አዎ, ነጻ ናሙና አንተ ሊላኩ ይችላሉ, እና እርስዎ የፖስታ ለመክፈል ፈቃደኛ ከሆኑ ብዙ የሚወደድ ይሆናል.

እርስዎ በሚበዛባቸው ትዕዛዞችን ለመቀበል ነው?

አብዛኛውን ጊዜ, እያንዳንዱ ሂደት ጊዜ ማለት ይቻላል ለውጥ ነው. የእርስዎ በሚበዛባቸው ትዕዛዞች መላኪያ በፊት 10-15 ቀናት ፍቀድልን.


What kind of MEDALS will be popular?

As the variety of events has grown, the structure of MEDALS has changed a lot. In addition simple flat MEDALS, we have 3D rotating MEDALS, multi-piece combination of open and close MEDALS, with a bottle opener or wine stopper and other functional MEDALS, liquid quicksand MEDALS, a number of combined series of MEDALS (such as the twelve constellations medal, the seven Oceans series medal, bicycle festival multi-station combination medal), ECO-Friendly Wooden MEDALS...


ነጻ የስነ አገልግሎት ማቅረብ ነው?

Yes,we offer FREE artwork service. However we will charge some revision fee when artwork revised over 3 times required by your side, please kindly understand.

ምን ያህል ጊዜ የእኔን ብጁ የስነ መቀበል ጊዜ ይወስዳል?

It usually takes 3 days, but finally depending on the artwork complexity and the workload of the design team. No more than 5 days normally.


Are you a factory?

We not only have a factory of our own, but also hold more than 55 percent of the shares in the professional printing factory, plating factory and packaging factory respectively. So we can strive for preferential prices for you, but also in the production of every link for you to provide professional services to ensure product quality.

How are you different from other companies?

Global Art Gift company is not only responsible for MEDALS, badges, challenge coins, key chains, bottle openers and other metal custom gifts manufacturers, but also has its own internal independent design team, can provide you with one to one free design services, custom design in line with your personal activities exclusive gifts. To provide you with convenient one-stop service from design to production to transportation.


I have a lot of products to make. How can I confirm your quality?

You can choose a medallion or pins or any other product you like from the product list on our website and contact our sales manager. We will provide free samples for you, so that you can really see the quality of the product.

My quantity is very small, will it cost too much?

Our MOQ is 100pcs. For orders above the MOQ, we will offer you the same price as for orders of large quantity, and we will help you keep the mold for free for three years. If you want to order the same product again within this period, we will not charge you any more for the mold.


How can I choose the best plan for the skyrocketing freight recently?

Global Art Gift company has its own freight forwarder, each batch of goods in the case that you do not specify the mode of transportation, they will choose the most favorable transportation plan for you according to the weight, volume and time.  DHL,UPS,FedEx,TNT,
Sea Transportation are all in our service scope.

Still Stuck?

If you still havent got an answer to your question, or youd simply like more information, please contact us at alien@globalartgifts.com & nicole@globalartgifts.com, they will be more than happy to help you.

የአሜሪካ ጋር መስራት እፈልጋለሁ?