Global Art Gifts Co., Ltd.
Global Art Gifts Co., Ltd.
Salah sahiji ti saeutik pabrik anu gaduh tim desain

Stock Medals Custom

Vary Kinds of size for Stock Medal

Vary kinds of colors for choose

Tim desain in-house nyayogikeun jasa desain khusus gratis

24/7 Service on garis pikeun anjeun

Factory-independent production to provide competitive prices.

Tulis pesen anjeun di dieu sareng kirimkeun ka kami

Why Custom Stock Medals?

Customized stock medals can be customized according to the characteristics of the event, with higher flexibility and deeper meaning.

Uniqueness: Stock medals can be customized according to the theme and characteristics of the event to make them more unique and different from ordinary medals, making the winners feel honored.

Commemorative value: Customized stock medals can be personalized with personal or team names, dates, etc. to commemorate the experience of participating in the competition and become a collection with more commemorative value.

Quality: Custom stock medals are usually made of high-quality materials, which are more guaranteed in quality and durable, and can better provide rewards and honors for winners.

Reflect the theme of the event: Universal medals may not conform to the theme of the event or fully reflect the characteristics and trends of the event. Customized stock medals can reflect the theme of the event or better represent the characteristics of the competition according to your needs.

In general, customized stock medals are more unique and commemorative, can also reflect personal characteristics in the competition, and can better affirm the efforts and honor of the winners.

Desain Medali Gratis - Hadiah Seni Global (2)
Desain Medali Gratis - Hadiah Seni Global (3)
Desain Medali Gratis - Hadiah Seni Global (1)

Choose Your Stock Medal Style:

View our full range of Stock Award Medals, available in different sizes and finishes.
These stock medals have a variety of academic and sports themes, or colorful Mylar inserts.
Come and make your own style Stock Medal, Click here to contact us for more.

Gold Stock Medal

Antique Gold Stock Medal

Tulis pesen anjeun di dieu sareng kirimkeun ka kami
Antique stock blank star shaped medal (1)

Antique Gold Blank Medal

Tulis pesen anjeun di dieu sareng kirimkeun ka kami
Antique Brass Sport Medal

Antique Brass Sport Medal

Tulis pesen anjeun di dieu sareng kirimkeun ka kami
Brass Stock Medal

Brass Stock Medal

Tulis pesen anjeun di dieu sareng kirimkeun ka kami
Silver Stock Medal

Silver Stock Medal

Tulis pesen anjeun di dieu sareng kirimkeun ka kami
Olympic Medal

Olympic Medal

Tulis pesen anjeun di dieu sareng kirimkeun ka kami
Zinc Alloy Stock Medal

Zinc Alloy Stock Medal

Tulis pesen anjeun di dieu sareng kirimkeun ka kami
Iron Stock Medal

Iron Stock Medal

Tulis pesen anjeun di dieu sareng kirimkeun ka kami
Copper Stock Medal

Copper Stock Medal

Tulis pesen anjeun di dieu sareng kirimkeun ka kami
Basketball Medal

Basketball Medal

Tulis pesen anjeun di dieu sareng kirimkeun ka kami
Bronze Stock Medal

Bronze Stock Medal

Tulis pesen anjeun di dieu sareng kirimkeun ka kami
Custom Stock Medal

Custom Stock Medal

Tulis pesen anjeun di dieu sareng kirimkeun ka kami


Global Art Gifts: Your Best Custom Medal Supplier


Kado Seni Globaltiasa nyayogikeun jasa ODM pikeun merek sareng desain medali anjeun kalayan volume anu rendah ogé. GAG gaduh garis produksi lengkep sareng tim desain di-imah sareng tim penjualan. Urang tiasa ngaktipkeun salah sahiji ideu medali gélo anjeun janten kanyataan.

Tim desain di-imah kami bakal dianggo hiji-hiji sareng anjeun mendesain medali anjeun haratis.

GAG bakal nawiskeun anjeun renderings medali realistis gratis pikeun persetujuan. Kituna, anjeun tiasa beristirahat assured ngeunaan karya seni medali Anjeun.

Balapan Medal Stamping
Ngajual Medali Adat - Hadiah Seni Global
Custom Medali Plating
Infilling Lemes enamel

We have rich experience and professional knowledge: We have many years of experience in producing and customizing medals, and we have a very professional design and production team, which can help you make the most suitable and distinctive medals for your event.

We provide high-quality products: Our medals are made of high-quality materials and advanced production technology to ensure that the appearance and quality of each medal are excellent.

We have fast and flexible services: we can quickly respond to your needs, and customize according to your specific requirements to ensure that your needs are met, and we can also provide you with professional advice and support.

* Our prices are very competitive: We understand that you need to get the best products and services within your budget, therefore, we are very flexible in formulating pricing strategies to ensure you get the best value.

* We are committed to customer satisfaction: We attach great importance to customer needs and feedback, and we will take customer satisfaction as our top priority to provide you with the best service experience.

Paket pamariksaan kualitas (1)
Paket pamariksaan kualitas (2)
Ngajual Medali Adat - Hadiah Seni Global (2)
Marathon Medal Pangiriman

All our Stock Medals kami   dipariksa 100% sateuacan dikirim. Kami salawasna nempatkeun kadali Kualitas salaku prioritas kahiji urang nalika manufaktur medali custom. Naon deui, kami bakal ngabantosan anjeun ngahémat kapang salami 3 taun gratis, salami éta moal aya biaya kapang pikeun pesenan ulang.

As a supplier specializing in the production and customization of various medals, we believe we are your best choice.

Ilubiung dina paméran béda unggal taun ngamungkinkeun urang pikeun neuleuman elemen pang populerna momen, ku kituna kamampuhan desain urang jeung téhnologi produksi salawasna di forefront industri.

Saatos eupan balik ti para nasabah, MEDALS inovatif sok narik langkung seueur pelari tibatan anu dipiharep kana acarana.

Panyadia Medali Disesuaikeun (4)
Panyadia Medali Disesuaikeun (2)
Panyadia Medali Disesuaikeun (3)
Panyadia Medali Disesuaikeun (1)

Ti mimiti anjeun ngalebetkeun pesenan, kami bakal ngurus sadaya padamelan anu sésana pikeun anjeun. Pribadi desain gratis dugi ka 100% wareg.

We will provide you with the best medals and services according to your specific requirements.

Mimitian ngadamel medali khusus ayeuna pikeun ngaganjar sareng memotivasi tim anjeun, sapertos medali balapan khusus, medali balap adat, atanapi jinis medali panghargaan khusus.

If you are interested in our services, please contact us and let us create the best medals for your event and competitors.


Laporan Inok Sedex - Hadiah Seni Global


Laporan Inok Disney - Hadiah Seni Global


Laporan Inok BSCI - Hadiah Seni Global




Laporan Inok SGS - Hadiah Seni Global


Laporan Inok TUV - Hadiah Seni Global